Isleta Casino Employment

  1. Isleta Casino Employment
  2. Isleta Casino Employment
  3. Isleta Casino Employee Benefits
IsletaIsleta casino employee benefits

The Pueblo of Isleta WIOA Program serves eligible Native Americans residing within the Bernalillo and Valencia Counties in New Mexico. The WIOA Program is here to provide Workforce development & placement services for youth and adults ages 14 and up. Find Isleta Casino jobs. Search for full time or part time employment opportunities on Jobs2Careers. Isleta Resort and Casino. The I sleta Resort and Casino located in Albuquerque, NM, features a 6 story tower and a total of 201 guest rooms; approximately 100,000 square foot casino offering Las Vegas style gaming (over 30 table games - CR, RO, Blackjack, Poker and 1600 slots); an indoor/outdoor pool; 30,000 square feet of convention space; a 2,500 seat multi-purpose theater for concerts. Casino Careers is a free resource to candidates interested in finding employment in casino hotel resorts, riverboats, cruise lines, racetracks, gaming technology, manufacturing, and pari-mutuel companies. Candidates post a free resume in a secure database and apply to Employers through posted jobs.

The Pueblo of Sandia is a Native Sovereign Nation using a Tribal Government structure to serve both the Sandia community and the various business enterprises of the Pueblo. An overall goal for our Pueblo enterprises is to:

  1. Provide a safe, comfortable and clean environment in which our guests will experience the highest level of friendliness, courtesy and service

  2. Promote and advocate a sound economic base for the Pueblo of Sandia, our business enterprises and the surrounding areas

  3. Create a rewarding work environment in which our employees can enjoy mutual respect, trust and opportunity for personal and professional growth and development. We believe employees are the key to our success and we strive to:

  • Provide a safe and pleasant work environment

  • Offer competitive wages and benefit packages

  • Treat employees with respect, honesty and equality

Isleta casino employment

Isleta Casino Employment


Isleta casino employee clinicCasino

Are you the kind of person who is up to the challenge of a demanding job in a unique environment? Do you like interacting with people from many different cultures and locations? Are you a team player who enjoys “exceeding customer service expectations”?
If you are, we welcome your applications for positions currently available. Please drop by our Employment Office located in the Casino building, check out our job line at 800-526-9366 or access our online job postings. Learn what we can offer you as an employee.

Isleta Casino Employment

We are proud to be a drug-free workplace and an Equal Opportunity Employer. All Casino employees must be licensed through the Sandia Tribal Gaming Commission, which involves a thorough and complete background investigation. Some positions carry age requirements.

Isleta Casino Employee Benefits


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